Friday, October 28, 2011

The Flatlanders

Motorcycles have evolved greatly over the decades. The term “chopper” presented itself back in World War II, when soldiers were displeased with the bikes being built at the time. As the story goes, soldiers got together and “chopped” their motorcycles, shortening fenders and removing other unwanted parts, making them lighter in weight and looking less cluttered. This has been a hobby of mine for quite some time now, with motorcycles and "chopping" also comes, bringing people together, and sharing ideas.

The later is what being a Flatlander is all about to me. I have grown very fond of our little Rider's Club and I am proud to call each and everyone of them brothers. I know they have my back and it doesn't matter if I am right or wrong because they will still support it and I the same.

Chris "car99r" Robertson (That's me...)

Barry "Landman" Land

Mike "Scraphous" Heminghous

Cody "Weird Beard" Pruitt

Paul "Copper_King" Schanbacher

Harlo "Harlo" Watkins

Derek "Dirka" Miller

Justin "justin" McMullen
R.I.P Brother!

Jason "Brumie" Brumfield

Bill "Dirty Sparkles" Krummel

Tim "trfoltz" Foltz

Ken "Greazy" Corrie

Roger "Falldown" Lindemuth

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