It was about 7 years ago now I started getting into the chopper scene. I found a website that had a lot of cool bikes on it and cool members. Fast forward 7 years and I now run the BEST website on the planet for Choppers and just about anything motorcycle related. The members totaling over 12,000 now are some of the best guys/gals you would ever meet.
In this 7 years I have made a lot of friends with the same interest as myself. Over the past 2-3 years I have been blessed with meeting a bunch of guys locally that are into the same thing and are members of my website along with and some that I still consider family even though not a member.
We don't need a fancy name (although we have kicked the idea around just for fun) but it is a TRUE brotherhood. These guys would be at my side in a heartbeat if I needed it and myself the same. So, for now I like to call them and myself the Central US TCU Crew.The membership of this crew continues to grow but as of now it consists of the following:
- Car99r (Myself)
- Scraphous (Mike)
- Landman76 (Barry)
- Copper_King (Paul)
- Dirka (Derek)
- Justin (Justin)
- Falldown (Roger)
- Harlo (Harlo)
- Brumie (Jason)
- Gentleman77 (Duane)
- Cobrasparrow (Cody)
- Dirty Sparkles (Bill)
This group got together this previous weekend to kick off the summer with the Moonshine Run. Along with the Central US TCU Crew we were joined by a few other TCU members and freinds (Greazybiker (Ken), ta2ist (John), Harley, Matt) and I apologize if I missed someone. Everyone came, some with spouses and hung out at my place (some refer to as TCU Headquarters). We had a great time swapping stories, wrenching on each others bikes, drinking our favorite beverages and of course making fun of each other. I am not a writer so I never know the right words to put on here but I hope all of these guys understand that I call them "BROTHER" and "SISTER" for a reason! It takes a lot to get that title from me. Enjoy the pictures below and links to more pictures from our weekend together.
and some of the beautiful women that belong to the Central IL TCU Crew...
If you would like to view the hundreds of photos and videos from this weekend you can do so by following by clicking here!