Thursday, August 18, 2011

Nicotene Free!

Well, it has been over 24 hours since I had my last cigarette. So far so good. Going to give it my best shot to get off these things. Not only am I looking forward to being able to do things I can't do now because of my health I am also looking forward to all the chopper goodies I can spend the extra money

It has been a rough couple of weeks due to deaths in the family but things have seemed to calm down the last couple of days. I am itching to get back in the shop and start work on a new toy. I finally got the BBO bike where I want it after the big shakedown run to MI. (New exhaust mount, velocity stax, larger jets, floats set and fan wired up correctly).

I have the 77 XS650 tracker that I started a couple of months ago but really not feeling it right now so thinking I might dig out the 75 CB750 I have stashed and start konging it...

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